
Money Tree Financial Services Buys Houses for Cash in the United States and Canada.
You get your money fast!

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Money Tree Financial Services is an Investment Company. We have local representatives in your area. If you need to sell your home fast we can help you. Because we pay cash, you can expect your funds within 2 to 7 days.

    - When we say fast we mean fast!

    - You don’t need to hire a real estate agent, this will save you thousands of dollars!

    - If your house needs a lot of work, don’t worry about it. We pay cash and we buy houses “as-is”.

To see how much cash, we that would pay you for your house, please fill out the form to the right.
We will have our local representative contact you. (Put the rest of that information that follows it ) . They will go over the process that it takes to have your money within 2 to 7 days. We let you know how much we will pay you for your house, no matter what condition it is in. We know that you can’t find another place to live within in 2 to 7 days. We will work with you. You just let us know how much time you need to move out.

Get Cash Fast

If you are in any of these situations,
we can help you.

Are you in a Pre-Foreclosure?

- If you’re in Pre-Foreclosure, you don’t want it to go to a Foreclosure. If you let it go to Foreclosure you get no money. If we purchase your house before it goes to Foreclosure you will get money.

I know you are probably not thinking about this now, but a Foreclosure will stay on your credit record for many years. We can help you avoid that and you can end up with some money.

Are you in a foreclosure?

- If your house is in a foreclosure, we can help you! We know how to buy houses that are in foreclosures. If we buy your house while it is in foreclosure you will end up with some money. If you let it go to a foreclosure auction and it sells you get nothing! In addition to that if the house sells for less than the amount owed to the bank. The bank can file a deficiency judgement with the court for the difference between what the house sold for and the amount that was owed on the mortgage plus costs. If that is granted the homeowner will be liable for the amount owed for a period of 20 years. The bank has the right to place leans on the homeowner’s property and wages to recover the money. You are much better off selling us the house than letting it go to a foreclosure auction. Fill out the above form and we will let you know how much money you will end up with. In stead of loosing your house and getting nothing. We pay cash and you can have your money in 2 to 7 days.

Do you owe more money on your home than it is worth?

- Would you like to move, but you can’t because you owe more money on your home than it is worth? You could just walk away from the property but it will hurt your credit. You will not be able to purchase another home for many years. We can help you! We have helped thousands of people over the years that are in the same position as you. What we do is go to your mortgage company or bank and negotiate a price that we will purchase the house for. We can normally purchase the property easier than an individual can because the banks and mortgage companies Know we pay cash and they will get their money in 2 to 7 days. With an individual the sale could fall through. The bank or mortgage companies realizes that you could just walk away from the house they will have a foreclosure on their hands. The don’t want that.

Have you filed for Bankruptcy and has it been denied or been dismissed?

- If you have filed for a bankruptcy denied or your case has been dismissed. You are in a worse position than you were before you filed the bankruptcy. All of your creditors have been notified that the court has denied or dismissed your bankruptcy. If you own a home the bank will start foreclosure proceedings. You need to act fast. We are a real estate investment company we don’t have to take out a mortgage out to buy your house, we pay cash. We are usually able to close the sale and you can have your money within 2 to 7 days. Your other option is to walk away from the house and get nothing!

Do you own a vacant house?

- If you own a vacant house, it is costing you money every year. We can help you in one of two ways. We can pay you cash for the property or, in the right situation we, will put up the money and completely refurbish the house and split the profit with you, when we sell the house. A house in Southern California that a little more than $200,000 was put into it to refurbish it was sold and made a profit of over $275,000. I guarantee we can help you!

Are you in a divorce and is there a house involved?

- Normally your house is the most expensive asset you have. Don’t use a real estate agent to sell it. It will cost you a lot of money. In most cases real estate agents will sell a house to people that need to take out a mortgage. With a mortgage many times the sale falls through and the house has to be sold again. That means it could take from up to 90 days or more to get your money. When you deal with us, we pay cash and you will have your money in 2 to 7 days in most cases. The choice is yours. We are here to help.

Do you have a property tax default?

- Don’t let the government foreclose on your property. If they do you will not get anything. Contact us and we will have one of our representatives stop by and go over your situation with you. We will let you know what we can do for you. In most cases we are able to pay off the lien and buy the house and you end up walking away from the house with some money. Instead of walking away from your house with nothing. Please contact us we can help you.

Do you own a fire damaged property?

- If you own a fire damaged property the electrical wiring may need to be replaced. Wiring is very expensive to replace. On all fire damaged properties, we use an electrical engineer to inspect the property. After we know what it will cost to refurbish the house we will give you a cash price that we would pay you and you could have your money within 2 to 7 days in most cases.

Has someone died and left you a property that you don’t need?

- If the property was in a trust, we can purchase the property, normally right away. In most cases you can have your money within 2 to 7 days. If the property was not in a trust, we will have to go through probate court to purchase the property. We have purchased thousands of properties that were in probate. The problem is that they take a lot longer to purchase. Can you sell a property before it goes through probate? The answer to that question is that you can in some states and others you can’t. We can’t go into which states allow you to sell a property without going through probate, and which states you can’t, if you contact us we will let you know. If the estate has a large amount of money involved make sure you get a good probate attorney. We can provide you with the contact information with many good ones throughout the United States and Canada.

If the property that you are going to receive has to go through probate please contact us and we will guide you through the process. When you complete the probate process we will pay cash for the property. If you would like to make a lot of money on the property that you inherited, depending on the house. we would put up the money to completely refurbish the property and sell it. We split the profit 50/50 with you. We do this with properties that don’t have to go through probate as well as the ones that do have to go through probate. Many times, that can mean an additional $50,000 to $100,000 to you. If you would like more information please get back to us.

Is there a reason you need to sell your house fast?

- You have found a house that you would like to buy but you can’t purchase it until you sell your existing house. You may have found a better job in another city or you got a job transfer. There are many reasons for the need to sell your house fast. We will purchase your house and you can have your money within 2 to 7 days, in most cases. . This is about as fast as possible that you can sell your house and get paid. Plus, you will save thousands of dollars if you don’t go through a real estate agent.

You want to sell your home but there are repairs that you have to make and you can’t afford to make them.

- We have many people come to us with that same problem. We solve that problem very easily. Unlike a traditional buyer, we don’t care what the condition of the house is. We buy houses “as-is”!.

We use a local title company that gets things done fast.You will also save a lot of money by not having to pay a real estate agent a large commission.Due to the fact that we pay cash to buy the houses you can normally have your money within 2 to 7 days.

Are you a Landlord? Are you tired of evicting people?

- Are you tired of not getting your rent money on time or not getting it at all. Then you have to go through the eviction process. That takes time and it costs you money. We have a solution to your problem. We will pay you a reasonable amount for your house. We take it one step further though. Depending on the property, we put up the money to rehab the house. When the house is completely rehabbed we would sell the house and split the profits with. You’re not going to get more money from anyone else.

Why should you deal with Money Tree Financial Services rather than other Investment Companies?

- You will be dealing with one of our local representatives in your area. They represent us but we make the decision on how much we will pay you for your house. We purchase homes throughout the United States and Canada. We purchase hundreds of houses per year. Your local Real Estate Investment Companies only purchase a limited number of properties, so they need to make the maximum profit on each house. We, on the other hand, only need to make a reasonable profit on each house we buy. Therefore, you will probably get more money from us than one of your local Investment Companies.

This is how our process works when we buy a house

  1. First, you fill out the above form and send it to us.
  2. Our local representative contacts you right away and sets up a time to meet with you at the house.
  3. Our representative meets with you and looks at your house.
  4. If the property looks like it needs to be rehabbed our representative sets up a time to come back with one our contractors to go through house. We then will get back to you in 24 to 48 hours with an offer.
  5. If we think the house does not need to be rehabbed we will get back to you in 24 to 48 hours with an offer.
  6. If you accept our offer we, both sign a sales agreement that is approved in your state.We then give you a deposit. The sale is then completed.
  7. We then open an escrow at a local title company.
  8. Unless something unusual come up you will have your money in 2 to 7 days.

That certainly beats trying to sell your home yourself, or using a real estate agent. After a real estate agent find a buyer it will take you another 30 days or more to get your money. Many times, if there is a mortgage involved the sale could fall through. The real estate agent has to start over again to sell the house. That means it could take you another 60 to 90 days to get your money. It will cost you thousands of dollars in commissions if you use a real estate agent. With Money Tree Financial Services there are no real estate commissions involved. Because, we pay cash it is a sure sale. Also, 99% of the houses we purchase the owner gets their money in 2 to 7 days.

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